Page 347 - Evrimcilerin Yanılgıları
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28 Ali Demirsoy, Kal›t›m ve Evrim, Ankara: Meteksan Yay›nlar› 1984, s. 61.
             29 Ali Demirsoy, Kal›t›m ve Evrim, Ankara: Meteksan Yay›nlar› 1984, s. 61.
             30 Richard B. Bliss & Gray E. Parker, Origin of Life, California 1979, s. 14.
             31 S. L. Miller, "Production of Amino Acids Under Possible Primitive Earth Conditions",
             Science 1953, Say› 117, s. 258.
             32 Kevin McKean, Bilim ve Teknik, Say› 189, s. 7.
             33 Philip H. Abelson, "Chemical Events on the Primitive Earth", National Academy of Sci-
             ence Proceedings, Say› 55, 1965, s. 1365.
             34 J. P. Ferris & C. T. Chen, "Photochemistry of Methane, Nitrogen, and Water Mixture As
             a Model for the Atmosphere of the Primitive Earth", Journal of American Chemical Soci-
             ety, Cilt 97, Say› 11, 1975, s. 2964.
             35 Stanley Miller, Molecular Evolution of Life: Current Status of the Prebiotic Synthesis of
             Small Molecules, 1986, s. 7.
             36 Charles F. Davidson, "Geochemical Aspects of Atmospheric Evolution", National Aca-
             demy of Science Proceedings, Say› 53, 1965, s. 1200.
             37 R. T. Brinkman, "Dissociation of Water Vapor and Evolution of Oxygenic the Terrestri-
             al Atmosphere", Journal of Geophysical Research, Cilt 74, Say› 23, 1969, s. 5366.
             38 Richard B. Bliss & Gray E. Parker, Origin of Life, California 1979, s. 25.
             39 Klaus Dose, "The Origin of Life: More Questions Than Answers", Interdisciplinary Sci-
             ence News, Say› 13, 1988, s. 348.
             40 Philip Johnson, Darwin on Trial, s. 68-69.
             41 Pierre Paul Grasse, Evolution on Living Organisms: Evidence for a New Theory of In-
             formation, Academic Press, Ocak 1978.
             42 B. G. Ranganathan, Origins? , Pennsylvania: The Banner of Truth Trust 1988.
             43 Michael Denton, Evolution: A Theory in Crisis, London: Burnett Books Ltd. 1985, s. 145.
             44 J. H. Tiner, "Isaac Newton: Inventor, Scientist and Teacher", Mott Media, Michigan, 1975.
             45 Bkz. Henry Morris, "Men of Science, Men of God", Master Books, 1982.
             46 Richard Dawkins, The Blind Watchmaker, London: W. W. Norton 1986, s. 229.
             47 Stefan Bengston, Nature 345: 765, 1990.
             48 Wu and Wang 1987, Kelley and Etler 1989, Kelley and Xu 1991, Wood and Xu 1991.
             49 Huang et al. 1995, Wood and Turner, 1995.
                                  EVR‹MC‹ YAYINLARDAK‹
                                ‹DD‹ALARIN GEÇERS‹ZL‹⁄‹

             1 Earth, "Life's Crucible", fiubat 1998, s. 40
             2 Earth, "Life's Crucible", fiubat 1998, s. 40
             3 Sir Fred Hoyle, Nature,12 Kas›m 1981
             4 A. I. Oparin, Origin of Life, s. 196.
             5 National Geographic, "The Rise of Life on Earth", Mart 1998, s. 68
             6 Earth, "Life's Crucible", fiubat 1998, s. 34-36
             7 Ümit Say›n, Bilim ve Ütopya, "Yarat›lmay›fl, Yaflam Nas›l Bafllad›?", Ekim 1998
             8 Bulletin of American Meteorological Society, "New Evidence on Evolution of Early At-
             mosphere and Life", Kas›m 1980, s. 1329
             9 Clemmey, Harry, and Nick Badham, "Oxygen in the Precambrien Atmosphere: An Eva-
             luation of the Geological Evidence", Geology, 10 Mart 1982, s. 141
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