Page 350 - Evrimcilerin Yanılgıları
P. 350
75 Colin Patterson, "Cladistics", ‹ngiliz BBC televizyonundaki röportaj›ndan, 4 Mart 1982
76 B. G. Ranganathan, "Origins?", Pennsylvania: The Banner Of Truth Trust 1988
77 Prof. Ali Demirsoy, "Kal›t›m ve Evrim", s. 61
78 Solly Zuckerman, "Beyond The Ivory Tower", New York; Toplinger Pub. Co., 1970, s. 75-94
79 F. Spoor, B. Wood, F. Zonneveld, "Implication of Early Hominid Labryntine Morphology for
Evolution of human Bipedal Locomotion", Nature, 23 Haziran 1994, s. 645-648
80 Duane T. Gish, Dinosaurs by Design, Master Books, AR, 1996, s. 65-66
81 Pat Shipman, "Birds do it.. Did Dinosaurs?", New Scientist, 1 fiubat 1997, s. 31
82 G.G. Simpson, W. Beck, An Introduction to Biology, New York, Harcourt Brace and
World, 1965, s. 241
83 Keith S. Thompson, "Ontogeny and Phylogeny Recapitulated", American Scientist, vol.
76, May/June 1988, s. 273
84 Francis Hitching, "The Neck of the Giraffe: Where Darwin Went Wrong", New York:
Ticknor and Fields 1982, s. 204
85 Fred Hoyle, Nature, 12 Kas›m 1981
86 Jeffrey Bada, Earth, fiubat 1998, s. 40
87 Paul Strathern, "Einstein ve Görecelik Kuram›", s. 62
88 Michael J. Behe, Darwin's Black Box, New York: Free Press, 1996, ss. 232-233
89 Michael J. Behe, Darwin's Black Box, New York: Free Press, 1996, ss. 252-253
90 Leslie E. Orgel, "The Origin of Life on Earth", Scientific American, Cilt 271, Ekim
1994, s. 78
91 George Greenstein, The Symbiotic Universe: Life and Cosmos in Unity, William Mor-
row: New York, 1988, s. 25-27
92 W. Press, "A Place for Teleology?", Nature, vol. 320, 1986, s. 315
93 Fred Hoyle, Religion and the Scientists, London: SCM, 1959; M. A. Corey, The Natu-
ral History of Creation, Maryland: University Press of America, 1995, s. 341
94 Michael Denton, Nature's Destiny: How the Laws of Biology Reveal Purpose in the
Universe, The New York: The Free Press, 1998, s. 14-15
95 Flinders Petrie, The Religion of Ancient Egypt, Constable, London, 1908, ss. 3-4.
96 Axel Persson , The Religion of Greece in Prehistoric Times, University of California
Press, 1942, s. 124.
1 Convay Zirkle, Evolution, Marxian Biology and the Social Scene. 1959, s. 86.
2 K. Marx, F. Engels, Seçme Yaz›flmalar, 1844-1869, Ankara: Sol Yay›nlar, 1.b., Kas›m
1995, s. 141.
3 K. Mehnert, Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt, Kumpf um Mao's Erbe., 1977.
4 Warren Weaver, "Genetic Effects of Atomic Radiation", Science, Cilt 123, 29 Haziran,
1956, s. 1159.
5 Pierre-P Grassé, Evolution of Living Organisms, New York: Academic Press, 1977, s.
6 Etem Düzgün, Mehmet Suzan, Nebahat Suzan, ‹lkö¤retim Fen Bilgisi Ders Kitab› 8,
Düzgün Yay›nc›l›k, s. 190.
7 N. Sefa Çimen, Hayrettin Sönmez, Osman Y›lmaz, ‹lkö¤retim Fen Bilgisi 8, Ders Kita-