Page 21 - The Secret Behind Our Trials
P. 21
The World Is a Place of Testing
equal to a whole day’s worship. 6
It is very important to ponder these wise words. As we said ear-
lier, people are responsible for serving Allah and for submitting and
remaining attached to Him in all circumstances. One way to show
this attachment is to be patient in all difficulties and frustrations in
this world. Moreover, such times may come along when least ex-
pected and last, or seem to last, for a long time. For example, a rich
person may become poor, a successful person may encounter sud-
den failure, and another person may lose a loved one, become ill, or
handicapped. But regardless of the test, Allah promises endless
good things to those of His servants who patiently endure them.
For this reason, people must make the best use of every mo-
ment of time allotted to them in this world. Before doing any act or
saying any word, they must ask if what they are about to do is the
best way to earn Allah's good pleasure. But most importantly, they
must avoid getting caught up in this world and forgetting that there
is an Afterlife, and must not trade eternity for the sake of some tran-
sitory enjoyment. The way to attain endless good things is to turn to
Everyone will taste death. You will be paid your wages in
full on the Day of Resurrection. Anyone who is distanced
from the Fire and admitted to the Garden has triumphed.
The life of this world is just the enjoyment of delusion. You
will be tested in your wealth and in yourselves, and you will
hear many abusive words from those given the Book before
you and from those who are idolaters. But if you are stead-
fast and guard against evil, that is the most resolute course to
take. (Surah Al `Imran, 185-86)