Page 26 - The Secret Behind Our Trials
P. 26

            But in their totality, however, there is the joy and eagerness of belief.
            Frightening scenes have been especially prepared and planned
            down to their slightest detail. But in the end, all of them are in-
            cluded in Allah's knowledge and under His control.
                 Those Muslims who understand the reality of destiny and
            grasp the secret of its trials see each instance of misfortune, hunger,
            or poverty as a good thing and take great pleasure in it, knowing
            that the fine moral character they display in the face of these trials is
            very precious in Allah's sight. This type of joy is unique to believers.
            When confronted by such difficulties, Muslims do not give way to
            melancholy, stress, pain, panic, or fear, because they know that
            Allah will change all of these things to their advantage. In the
            Qur'an, Allah says to believers:
               ... Allah will not give the unbelievers any way against the
               believers. (Surat an-Nisa', 141)
                 But we must understand one point here: Whatever Muslims ex-
            perience in this world, whether difficulty or frustration, loss of pos-
            sessions or physical strength, illness or injury, death or disability,
            these are not to be considered as "bad" experiences; rather, they are
            tests from Allah. If they are patient during their tests and so pass
            them, Allah will reward them greatly in this world and the next.
            And at the end of this short period of testing, they will receive the
            reward of endless life in Paradise.
                 Muslims who are aware of this reality become more eager
            when faced with difficulties. At the same time, this eagerness foils
            the unbelievers' traps and defeats all of their efforts. When unbe-
            lievers think that they have put believers in a difficult situation, but
            then see the believers' sincere joy and gladness, they understand
            that they can never hurt them. Moreover, the believers' words in
            times of difficulty demonstrate their submission and trust in Allah.

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