Page 29 - The Secret Behind Our Trials
P. 29

The Great Secret
         will come after the difficulty ends, either in this world or the next.
         This is what it means to view events from the standpoint of the fu-
             Muslims know that they are observers of their own destiny and
         that of others. Knowing this, they observe everything with patience,
         trust, and submission. In addition, they know that they cannot inter-
         fere with, prevent, or stop how an event will unfold. They keep the
         following words firmly in mind: "It may be that you hate some-
         thing when it is good for you, and it may be that you love some-
         thing when it is bad for you. Allah knows and you do not know"
         (Surat al-Baqara, 216). In other words, every bad thing that happens
         to believers will ultimately benefit them, provided that they remain
         faithful to Him and patient, for such tests enable them to train them-
         selves, deepen their belief, improve their moral character, become
         more spiritually and intellectually mature, and raise their status in
             Only sincere believers who have submitted wholeheartedly to
         Allah will experience this spiritual state. But people who do not sub-
         mit to destiny and reject religion will be overcome by hopelessness,
         fear, and agitation, thinking that they will not be able to find any es-
         cape. Given that they have no hope or expectation with regard to the
         Hereafter, they live in a state of constant spiritual unhappiness and
         frustration. The following verse describes this spiritual state:
            When Allah desires to guide someone, He expands his
            breast to Islam. When He desires to misguide someone, He
            makes his breast narrow and constricted, as if he were
            climbing up into the sky. That is how Allah defiles those
            who have no belief. (Surat al-An`am, 125)
             This spiritual state of frustration is caused by people's rejection
         of the destiny that Allah has created for them. It is an oppressive

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