Page 34 - The Secret Behind Our Trials
P. 34

               wealth, and make them promises! The promise of Satan is
               nothing but delusion." (Surat al-Isra', 62-64)
                 As it says in the verse, Satan will try anything to divert people
            from the true path and prevent them from being thankful to Allah
            and from living a good moral life. As a result, he will bring the ma-
            jority of people over to his side by using the voice of the lower self.
            For this reason, when people undergo hard times, Satan will always
            make them think selfishly about themselves and how to secure their
            own advantage by presenting self-sacrifice, compassion, and mercy
            as negative options:
               O humanity, eat what is good and lawful on Earth. Do not
               follow in the footsteps of Satan, for he truly is an outright
               enemy to you. He only commands you to do evil and inde-
               cent acts, and to say about Allah that which you do not
               know. (Surat al-Baqara, 168-69)
                 For all of these reasons, Muslims who are facing difficulties,
            frustration, or disaster must act according to their conscience so that
            they will not join Satan. By following Satan, selfishness, oppor-
            tunism, addiction to pleasure, hypocrisy, and many other negative
            qualities are given a chance to arise and corrupt the Qur'an's moral-
            ity. Sincere Muslims listen to their conscience and always follow the
            way of goodness. As the Qur'an says, it is important that good
            morals be shown when "the matter is resolved upon":
               Once the matter is resolved upon, being true to Allah would
               be better for them. (Surah Muhammad, 21)
                 The majority of people know that faithfulness shown in times
            of trial indicates superior morality and swear that they will be faith-
            ful and strong in such times. But when the trial comes, their behav-
            ior does not match their earlier promises and they react negatively
            when touched by the least frustration. They become angry all of a

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