Page 40 - The Secret Behind Our Trials
P. 40

            must be separated from the base coal-like qualities. But as this can be
            done only by applying fire, human beings must go through a serious
            testing period involving difficulties, misfortunes, and various frustra-
            tions to remove their bad qualities so that their good qualities can
            shine in the light of day.
                Bediuzzaman gives another example: the separation of silver
            and copper from the ore when it is struck against a touchstone. Two
            valuable materials are separated from each other by striking the ore
            against that stone, and the valueless copper ore is eliminated. In this
            process of separation, the ore has to be struck violently against the
            stone and then passed through a fine sieve. This process reveals the
            silver within the ore and cleanses it of the copper ore, which reduces
            its value. What the master means by being "struck against the stone"
            is that undergoing difficulties, misfortunes, and various frustrations
            will cause the person's internal beauty to be revealed. The severity of
            the difficulties and frustrations reveal the strength of the person's be-
            lief, as well as the superiority of his or her moral character, discern-
            ment, faithfulness, and loyalty. Moreover, this testing leaves behind a
            maturity of character with great faith and spiritual depth. So, this
            process purges the believer's superior character of all qualities that
            weaken it, until it appears like silver. Bediuzzaman writes:
                Then this morning the following was imparted to me: for us to be
                set this rigorous examination, and to be struck on the touchstone
                numerous times to see clearly whether we are gold or brass, and to
                be tried unfairly in every respect, and to be passed through ever finer
                sieves three or four times to see whether our evil-commanding souls
                take a share or are playing any tricks, is extremely necessary for our
                service, which should be purely and solely in the name of truth and
                reality, so that Divine Determining and dominical grace permit it. For by
                being exhibited in this field of trial and examination confronted by obdu-

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