Page 105 - The Miracle of the Immune System
P. 105

                                   The Enemies Of The System

            This provides the cancer cells with an advantage. When inhibitory mole-
            cules are not present in the environment, cancer cells spread more rapid-
            ly. Besides, cancer cells are not required to anchor themselves to any spe-
            cific site. They undermine the rules by living independently and without
            settling in any place.
                 Erythrocytes are exceptional cells that do not possess a stationary site
            within the human body. They pierce the membranes of other cells and tis-
            sues and tear down the obstacles with the aid of a special enzyme called
            "metallo-proteinase". They are therefore able to visit any part of the hu-
            man body at will. The defence cells use this enzyme to reach out to the en-

            emy cells, while cancer cells use them for an entirely different purpose.
            Their main goal is to attack healthy cells and invade them.
                 The skills of the cancer cells are not limited to these pursuits; they are
            also capable of playing other ‘games’ against the defence cells. Odd as it
            may sound, we are not talking about talented actors but rather cancer
            cells, which play games against their opponents. Before attempting to ex-
            plain these unbelievably clever games, let us review what we have ex-
            plained so far.
                 Isn’t it extraordinary that our army of defence sets up progressive
            barriers against the enemy? This organization we call an "army" is made
            up of cells which can only be viewed under an advanced electron micro-

                                      A cell committing

                   Healthy cell         Damaged cell         Cancerous cell

               The process by which healthy cells transform into cancer cells. A normal cell as
               seen at the left either commits suicide or transforms into a cancer cell as it un-
               dergoes various genetic mutations.
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