Page 106 - The Miracle of the Immune System
P. 106
scope. Their ability to protect and guard their sites, their willingness to lay
down their own lives to save the life of the human body they belong to,
their unyielding commitment to continue their struggle, are not the pro-
ducts of coincidence. Undoubtedly, we can see a very conscious and well-
organized form of functioning in defence cells.
What would happen if such a difficult mission were handed to a tril-
lion highly educated humans beings? Would the success rate be as im-
pressive? Would it be possible for them to enforce their will on the crowd
despite the existence of strict disciplinary rules and obligatory measures?
If a few of these individuals forgot the formula of the antibodies they
were supposed to manufacture, or neglected to manufacture them, or re-
fused to commit suicide when necessary, would all of these stages func-
tion regularly? Would the struggle end with victory? Could an army of
billions of individuals continue its struggle without any mistake? Are
there, by any chance, any brave and skilled commanders or managers
who would be willing to undertake the responsibility of keeping these bil-
lions under control? However, our defence cells do not need any com-
manders or managers. Their system operates in a very regulated manner,
without any inhibitions or difficulties. There is no anarchy or confusion
during the process. The reason for this perfection and extremely effective
functioning is Allah, Who established this system down to its minute de-
tails and inspired the elements of this system to fulfill their responsibili-
ties. In the 5th verse of Surat al-Sajda, it is stated: "He directs the whole
affair from heaven to earth.". In accordance with this rule, the defence
cells continue their struggle without rest or duress with this inspiration
given to them by Allah.
Games of Cancer Cells
It must not be forgotten that cancer cells are original body cells that
carry the molecular character of the human being. In consequence, it is dif-
ficult for the defence cells to identify cancer cells. Furthermore, cancer cells