Page 15 - The Miracle of the Immune System
P. 15


            temperature at the onset of a sickness is very important, for the afflicted
            the person will feel fatigued by it and need to rest, thus reserving the en-
            ergy needed to fight against the enemies.
                 If these elements of the immune system prove insufficient against the
            enemies penetrating the body, then lymphocytes, the champions of the
            system, come into play. Lymphocytes are of two types; B cells and T cells.
            These are again further divided into sub groups.
                 The helper T cells are next in reaching the battleground after the
            macrophages. They may be considered the administrative agents of the
            system. After the helper T cells identify the enemy, they warn other cells
            in order to initiate a war against it.
                 Thus alerted, the killer T cells come into play to destroy the besieged

                 The B cells are the armaments factory of the human body. Following
            their stimulation by the helper T cells, they immediately start to produce
            a sort of weapon called the "antibody".
                 After the alarm is over, suppressor T cells stop the activity of all de-
            fence cells, and therefore prevent the war from lasting any longer than is
                 However, the mission of the defence army has not yet ended. The
            warrior cells, called the memory cells, store necessary information about
            the enemy in their memories and keep it for years. This will enable the im-
            mune system to mount a quick defence against the same enemy at later
            meetings with it.
                 There are many more incredible factors hidden in the details of the
            defence system, which we have very briefly outlined above. As men-
            tioned before, in this book, these extraordinary events are told in an eas-
            y-to-understand way.
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