Page 17 - The Miracle of the Immune System
P. 17

                                      The Defence System

            one second that represents a very short time period in our daily life would
            pass for a very long time for many working systems and organs in our
            bodies. If all the activities performed by all the organs, tissues and cells of
            our body in one second were written down, the result would be so incon-
            ceivable as to push the limits of the human mind.
                 One vital system, which is involved in constant activity, never shirk-
            ing its duty, is the defence system. This system protects the body from all
            kinds of invaders day and night and works with great assiduity, just like
            a fully-equipped army for the host body, which it serves.

                 Each system, organ, or group of cells within the body represents a
            whole within a perfect labour distribution. Any defect in the system ruins
            the order. And the defence system is indispensable.
                 Would we be able to survive in the absence of the defence system?
            Or what sort of life would we have if this system failed to fulfill some of
            its functions?
                 It is not hard to make a guess. Some examples in the world of medi-
            cine make clear how vital the immune system is. The story of a patient cit-
            ed in many related sources shows how difficult life would be in case of
            any defect in the defence system.
                 This patient was placed immediately after his birth in a sterile plas-
            tic tent, which nothing was allowed to penetrate. The patient was forbid-
            den to touch any other human being. As he grew up, he was placed in a
            larger plastic tent. He had to wear a specially designed outfit similar to an

            astronaut’s to get out of this tent. What prevented this patient from living
            a normal life like other people?
                 Following his birth, the patient’s defence system had not developed
            normally. There was no army in his body to protect him from the enemies.
                 The boy’s doctors were well aware of what could happen if he en-
            tered normal surroundings. He would immediately catch a cold, causing
            diseases to develop in his throat; he would suffer from one infection after
            another, despite being given antibiotics and other medical treatments. Be-
            fore long, medical treatment would lose its effect, resulting in the death of
            the boy.
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