Page 45 - The Miracle of the Immune System
P. 45
Intelligent Weapons: The Antibodies
The only thing they do is put forward illogical assumptions which
strongly self-contradict. There are many imaginary scenarios without any
scientific validity that are solely directed towards finding an answer to the
question of "How can we explain this system in terms of evolution?".
The most popular of these scenarios maintains that the immune sys-
tem evolved from a single antibody. Here is the summary of this scenario
which has no scientific basis:
Initially the defence system comprised of a single gene that produced a sin-
gle type of immunoglobulin (a kind of protein). But this gene "rapidly cre-
ated copies of itself (!)" and developed these copies so that they formed
a different molecule of immunoglobulin. Then the control mechanisms de-
veloped that monitor the manufacturing of different genes which possess
the ability to re-combine".
This example is important in seeing how shaky are the grounds the
theory of evolution is built on, and in understanding the brainwashing
and window-dressing methods evolutionists frequently have recourse to.
Now let us examine this deceit sentence by sentence:
Sentence 1: "Initially the defence system comprised of a single gene
that produced a single type of immunoglobulin (a kind of protein)."
The first question that must be asked is:
"By whom was this inaugural gene created?"
Evolutionists try to present this stage as an insignificant detail and
circumvent it. However, how this initial gene has originated must be ex-
plained. It is scientifically impossible for a gene to have formed by itself.
The impossibility of the coincidental formation of the gene sequence is a
fact which has been admitted by evolutionist scientists many times. We
can give an example from Prof. Ali Demirsoy, a Turkish evolutionist, on
this subject.
That is, if life requires a certain sequence, it can be said that this has a prob-
ability likely to be realised once in the whole universe. Otherwise some met-
aphysical powers beyond our definition must have acted in its formation. 5