Page 49 - The Miracle of the Immune System
P. 49
Organs Employed In Defence
the cells produced here play a role in the pro-
duction of phagocytes, some in the coagulation
of blood, some in the decomposition of substan-
ces. These cells differ in function just as they dif-
fer in their structure.
It is remarkable that a very special produc-
tion system has been established for many dif-
ferent cells that work towards the same goal.
Here, there seems to be an impregnable Bone marrow
barrier for the theory of evolution. This is be-
cause the theory of evolution claims that multi-celled organisms have
evolved from one-celled organisms.
So, how can coincidentally formed cells build a system capable of
producing new cells in the very structure they have constituted? This is
similar to thousands of bricks, which have burst into the air as a result of
an explosion at a brick factory, having fallen down on top of each other by
chance and, in the process, making a brand new building. Moreover, in
this building there must also be another factory to build new bricks.
It has to be remembered that the creation of a human body is a mil-
lion times superior to that of a building. The cell, which is the building
block of the body, has a design too perfect to be compared with any man-
made product. This analogy between the cell and the brick has simply
been made in order to clarify how deceitful the hypothesis of evolution-
ists is.
The Faculty in Us: The Thymus
On biological examination, the thymus would seem to be an ordi-
nary organ without any particular function. The work it does, however,
when studied in detail, is quite unbelievable.
In the thymus, the lymphocytes get some sort of training. No, you
have not misread this. The cells receive training in the thymus.