Page 51 - The Miracle of the Immune System
P. 51
Organs Employed In Defence
Training is an information transfer, which can be exercised on beings
with a certain level of intelligence. So there is an important point that
needs mention here. What gives the training is a lump of meat, which is
the thymus, and what receives it is a miniscule cell. In the last analysis,
both are unconscious beings.
At the end of this training, lymphocytes are equipped with a very im-
portant body of information. They learn to identify the particular charac-
teristics of the cells in the body. In some sense, the lymphocytes are taught
the identities of the body cells. Finally, these cells leave the thymus loaded
with information.
Thus, as the lymphocytes function in the body, they do not attack the
cells, the identity of which they have been taught. Any other cell or for-
eign matter is attacked and destroyed by them.
For years, the thymus was considered to be a vestigial organ by evo-
lutionist scientists and used as so-called evidence for evolution. In recent
years, however, it has been revealed that this organ constitutes the well-
spring of our defence system. After this was understood, evolutionists,
Immune cells (T lymphocytes) trained in the thymus.