Page 52 - The Miracle of the Immune System
P. 52

                                 THE MIRACLE OF THE IMMUNE SYSTEM

              who once proclaimed the thymus to be a vestigial organ, now advanced a
              totally opposite theory for the same organ. They claimed that the thymus
              did not exist before, and originated through gradual evolution. They still
              maintain that the thymus formed in a longer evolutionary period than
              many organs. However, without the thymus, or without its being fully de-
              veloped, T cells could not have learned to identify the enemy and the de-
              fence system would not have functioned. Someone without such a system
              would not survive. Even your reading this sentence now is proof that the
              thymus was not created through a long evolutionary process, but has al-
              ways existed, perfect and intact in all respects, since the advent of the first
              human being.

                   A Versatile Organ: The Spleen
                   Another wondrous element of our defence system is the spleen. The
              spleen is made up of two parts: red pulp and white pulp. The fresh lym-
              phocytes produced in the white pulp are first transferred to the red pulp
                                                 and then join in the blood stream. A
                                                 detailed study of the operations
                                                 carried out in this organ, which is
                   He is Allah — the
                      Creator, the               dark red in colour and located high
                   Maker, the Giver              up the abdomen reveals an extraor-
                   of Form. To Him               dinary picture. Its quite difficult
                   belong the Most               and complicated functions are
                   Beautiful Names.
                                                 what make it so wonderful and ex-
                  Everything in the
                   heavens and on
                  the earth glorifies                 The duties of the spleen, such
                    Him. He is the               as contributing to cell production,
                     Almighty, the               phagocytosis, conservation of red
                                                 blood cells, and immunity con-
                   (Surat al-Hashr:
                                                 struction, are at least as important
                                                 as they are difficult. Certainly, the
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