Page 76 - The Miracle of the Immune System
P. 76

                                 THE MIRACLE OF THE IMMUNE SYSTEM

                           The T cell Pathway
                             In comparison to B cells, T cells must go through a much
                          more complicated course to be ready to commence their mis-
                             sion. Just like B cells, they, too, are simple cells in the be-
               Lymphoid          ginning. These simple cells go through a series of dif-
                                     ficult tests to become a T cell.
                                             In the first test, it is checked whether
                                           the cell can recognize the enemy or not.
                                              The cells recognizes the enemy with the
                                Lymphoblast     assistance of "MHC"(Major Histo-
                                                  compatibility Complex) located on
                                                       the surface of the enemy,
                                         Lymphocyte     which is a molecule that
                                                         subjects the antigen to a se-
           In lymph tissue
                                                           ries of chemical process-
                                                B cell       es and presents it to
                                              lymphocyte    the T cells.
                          In blood
                                                           Eventually, only those
                                    T- cell
                                                 cells that are able to identify the en-
                                              emy can survive. The others are not
                                        tolerated and they are immediately de-
                                            The recognition of enemy cells alone does
           The white cells made in the
                                       not ensure the survival of T cells. These cells
           lymph system tissue develop
           into lymphocytes (B cells and  must also have a very good knowledge of the
           T cells) or monocytes.      harmless substances and the regular tissues of
           Lymphocytes are key players
                                       the human body so to as prevent unnecessary
           in immune responses.
           Mmonocytes can transform    conflict, which will eventually harm the body.
           into large phagocytic (engulf-
           ing) cells called
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