Page 81 - The Miracle of the Immune System
P. 81

                                   Cells on Duty in the System

                 Helper T cells secrete a molecule called lymphokine to stimulate oth-
            er cells. This molecule somehow turns on a switch in other cells and starts
            off the war alarm.
                 The ability of the helper T cell to produce a molecule, which activates
            another cell, is a very important process.
                 First, the production of this molecule is related to an impending war
            strategy. It is obvious that the cells cannot make up this strategy them-

            selves, nor can the strategy come about by sheer coincidence.
                 Developing a strategy would not be enough either. The molecule in
            the cell, which will switch on the production key in the other cell, should
            be synthesized accurately. For this, it has to be perfectly aware of the
            chemical structure of the opposite cell.
                 A mistake made in the production of this molecule alone would par-
            alyze the defence system entirely. This is because an army without com-
            munication would be destroyed even before it launched its defence.
                 The existence of this molecule alone suffices to prove the absurdity

            of the theory of evolution. This is because the prerequisite of the system
            is the existence of this molecule right from the outset. If helper T cells fail-
            ed to alert other cells with the help of this molecule, the human body
            would surrender to viruses.

                 Killer T cells
                 The killer T cells are the most efficient elements of the defence sys-
            tem. In previous chapters, we have studied how viruses are inactivated by
            proteins called antibodies. There are cases, however, when antibodies
            cannot reach out to a virus which has invaded a cell. On such occasions,
            killer T cells kill the sick cell which is invaded by the virus.
                 A closer examination of how killer T cells kill sick cells would reveal

            a great wisdom and an artistry in creation.
                 The killer T cells first have to distinguish between normal cells and
            those in which invaders hide. They deal with this problem with the help
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