Page 84 - The Miracle of the Immune System
P. 84
Despite all the technology at its disposal, mankind has still not been
able to solve the details of the system these cells use to identify the ene-
my. Perhaps future technological advances will throw light on this system
and this subject will no longer be a mystery. This, too, would be a piece of
evidence proving the perfection of the current system, and what an intri-
cate plan is involved in its creation.
Blood Cells
- Thrombocytes: The coagulation of blood is considered an ordinary
event, which is largely ignored by people. However, if the perfect system
which makes this possible had not existed, human beings would experi-
ence significant risks and even bleed to death from the slightest injuries.
The thrombocyte, which is one of the blood cells produced in the bone
marrow, serves this function. It also includes a substance called serotonin
that plays an important role in allergic reactions.
- Eosinophil: These blood cells have the ability to perform phagocy-
tosis, i.e. destroy (phagocytose) any foreign cells entering the body.
- Basophil: A big, rough and single-nucleus blood cell which is
found in small quantities in the blood, and abundantly in the dermal,
splenic and intestinal connective tissues.
- Neutrophils: With an antibacte-
rial quality, these blood cells protect the
organism against foreign materials. In
addition, they help the defence system
with their phagocytosis capabilities.
Antigen Presenting
Cells: "APC"
The duty of these cells is to pre-
sent the antigen (enemy) to the T cells.
Why a cell would serve such a function
Blood cells