Page 93 - The Miracle of the Immune System
P. 93
Step By Step To All-Out War
What if the War in the Body Were Left in the
Control of Humans Beings
People do not immediately realize that microbes or viruses are in-
vading their bodies. Only when the symptoms of their illness surface do
humans become aware of them. This is proof that a virus, a bacterium, or
a similar micro-organism has long ago settled within their body. This
means that the primary intervention has resulted in failure. Such un-
checked conditions could cause the disease to progress considerably, re-
sulting in irremediable dispositions. Even if the person has been infected
with a curable and relatively simple disease, delayed response may result
in a serious crisis, or even death.
Now, let us imagine that the coordination and control of the elements
of the defence system and the ensuing strategies to be developed and im-
plemented, the overseeing of the war itself were all left to human beings.
What sort of difficulties would we confront?
Let us assume that the initial symptoms were effectively diagnosed.
When foreign cells enter the human body, immediately the warrior cells
must be manufactured and then sent to the area of conflict. The B cells
must immediately commence the production of the weapon (antibody).
How are we to determine the type and location of these foreign cells?
This is a significant point, as future treatment depends on this initial
stage. To do this, the only solution for the person would be to have a
medical check-up which covered all the organs of his body down to ev-
ery drop of his blood at the slightest suspicion of invaders having en-
tered the body. Otherwise, it would be impossible to determine the type
and location of the antigens. The long time needed for such a process
would undoubtedly cause a serious delay in timely intervention. It is ev-
ident how troublesome and distressful life would be for people if they
had to go to the doctor’s to undergo such a check-up on the merest hint
of infection.
Let us suppose that timely intervention was possible and the type