Page 97 - The Miracle of the Immune System
P. 97

                                   Step By Step To All-Out War

            tack but rather inactivates itself. Similarly, if there is any substance in the
            body that carries antigen properties which should not, however, be de-
            stroyed, the human body does not produce any antibodies and so does
            not attack it.
                 If we consider the fact that our body contains around 1 trillion lym-
            phocytes, we can appreciate the miraculous discipline required to ensure
            that these cells only target enemy cells and spare friendly cells.

                 The Protected Barrier
                 In essence, the embryo in a mother’s womb should normally be con-
            sidered foreign matter by the host human body. Subsequently, when the
            embryo is first formed, the body would immediately instigate a struggle
            against it. The defence system would not allow such an ‘enemy’ to devel-

            op. However, despite this negative scenario, the embryo is not as vulner-
            able as we might assume. After it is formed, it succeeds in fully develop-
            ing over an extended period of 9 months, completely protected against
            the intended attacks of the antibodies.
                 How then is this achieved?
                 There is a barrier surrounding the embryo specially created to absorb
            only the nutrients in the blood. This barrier helps the embryo to take up
            the necessary nutrients for its development, while isolating it from the de-

            structive effect of antibodies.
                 Otherwise, the antibodies would immediately attack the embryo
            (considered as a foreign substance) and destroy it. The isolation of the em-
            bryo from the antibodies with such a special protection is one of the most
            perfect examples of creation in the mother’s womb.
                 Neither mutation, nor natural selection nor any other so-called evo-
            lutionary mechanism could have incorporated such perfect creation in the
            evolution tale. The miracle of creation is self-evident. In the Qur'an, Allah
            states that He placed the embryo in a secure repository:

                 Did We not create you from a base fluid. then place it in a secure
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