Page 22 - Romanticism: A Weapon of Satan
P. 22


                   were most entitled to. God has knowledge of all things. (Quran,
                   While the above verse speaks of "fanatical rage," it also speaks of
              the serenity that God bestows upon those who believe in Him. This
              juxtaposition points to the fact that if a person who loves his kindred,
              his clan or his community, harbours hatred or aggression towards
              others as a result of that love, his behaviour is errant. On the contrary,
              God desires His servants to enjoy peace, tranquillity and security; in
              other words, the spiritual state that God desires for His followers is
              one where reason is foremost.
                   "Fanatical rage" does not permit such a desirable condition to
              exist, but pits one group against another, based solely on differences in
              language, colour, tribe or clan.
                   God described this "fanatical rage" already 1400 years ago in the
              Qu'ran, and today it is still possible to witness its effects in every part
              of the world. There are people in Africa who strangle others to death
              just because they belong to a different tribe. In Europe, a football
              match deteriorates into armed combat when "hooligans" beat fans of
              the opposing team almost to death, just because they belong to the
              opposing side. In the Western world, there are organisations whose
              sole purpose is to foster hatred against Africans, Jews, Turks and other
              minorities, even to the extent of making them targets of terrorist
                   The influence of "fanatical rage" pervades not only the lowest
              classes, but also the highest echelons of some societies. There are many
              countries that exploit the matter of a simple border dispute as an
              excuse to carry out open acts of aggression. To satisfy their belligerent
              tendencies, they throw their countries into a war, persisting
              stubbornly in their aggression for years, plunging not only the citizens
              of the enemy country, but even their own people into misery. Those
              authorities who make such decisions are afflicted with what we are
              referring to as "fanatical rage." As explained in the above quoted verse,
              he who "fills his heart with fanatical rage" lives in ignorance.
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