Page 13 - Death of the Darwinist Dajjal System
P. 13
Adnan Oktar (Harun Yahya)
Fourteen hundred years ago, our Prophet (saas) spoke in great de-
tail of events that would take place in the End Times – in other words,
the age we are living in now – and described the period quite compre-
hensively. He said that in the End Times, there would be a time when
people would abandon the moral values of the Qur’an and that there
would be global degeneracy, corruption, war and disorder. Again as
revealed by our Prophet (saas) in the hadiths, in this time Allah will
send the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) and Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh), who bears
our Lord’s title of the Hadi (the bestower of guidance). In this holy time
that will witness the appearance of the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) and
Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh), philosophies and ideologies based on disbelief
will completely disappear, and the oppression and disorder going on
all over the world will come to an end. In the time of the Prophet Jesus
(pbuh) and Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh), belief in Allah will be lived by as it
was in the time of our Prophet (saas), the moral values of the Qur’an
will reign among people, and the entire world will become a place of
peace and repose. There will be no war or conflict anywhere, all
weapons will disappear and not so much as a single person’s nose will
even be made to bleed. The immorality, oppression, persecution, injus-
tices and degeneracy of the past will evaporate in this holy age, and
sufferings of all kinds will be replaced by abundance, wealth, beauty,
peace and tranquility. There will be tremendous advances in technolo-
gy and these will be used for the good and benefit of all mankind. This
time, in which there will also be excellent advances in art and beauty,
will be known, by Allah’s leave, as the “Golden Age.”