Page 14 - Death of the Darwinist Dajjal System
P. 14
Death of the Darwinist Dajjal System
As a requirement of the test in this world, Our Lord also creates
negative forces that are the exact opposite of all delights. Forces (unbe-
lievers in other words) diametrically opposed to the prophets and be-
lievers have emerged at every period of history and these have strug-
gled against faith in Allah and proper moral virtues. This is a law of
Allah. The existence of Pharaoh in the time of the Prophet Moses
(pbuh), of Nimrod in the time of the Prophet Abraham (pbuh) and of
Abu Lahab and the pagans of Mecca in the time of the Prophet
Muhammad (saas) are manifestations of that Divine law. As revealed
in the hadiths of our Prophet (saas), the negative force that will appear
in the End Times, when the coming of the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) and
Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) is awaited, will be the “dajjal,” or antichrist.
Almost all the portents of the End Times set out in the hadiths of
our Prophet (saas) have come true as of Hijri 1400 (1979/1980 in the
Gregorian calendar), in other words in just the period foretold by the
Prophet (saas). The fact that hundreds of portents have come about
proves that the End Times refer to the age in which we are living and
also shows that the Golden Age is very close. The corruption of the da-
jjal has also shown itself in the End Times in which we are living. This
terrible corruption of the dajjal that incites masses of people toward
irreligion, that brings with it wars and conflict, and that inflicts degen-
eracy, anarchy, strife and murder on societies, is Darwinism. Despite
having no scientific basis whatsoever, it has become a dominant ideol-
ogy over the last 150 years by being imposed on people, who have been