Page 186 - Death of the Darwinist Dajjal System
P. 186

Death of the Darwinist Dajjal System

               demic. The following month, Scientific American magazine editor John
               Rennie asked university admission committees to tell the Kansas
               schools administration that they would “examine the qualifications of
               students applying to them from the state of Kansas with the greatest
               care " and asked them to issue “an open letter to families in Kansas de-
               claring that this bad decision would have severe consequences for their
               children’s futures.” 131  The meaning of the threat was clear. It is a crime
               to oppose the theory of evolution, and those committing such an of-
               fense must be annihilated at once.

                   In one recent case, a researcher from the Woods Hole
               Oceanographic Institute by the name of Nathaniel Abraham an-
               nounced that he had lost his job for denying the theory of evolution. A
               letter written to Abraham in 2004 by a Woods Hole scientist said he had
               been removed from his post because Abraham said he did not accept
               the "evolutionary aspects" of the National Institutes of Health grant,
               even though the project clearly required scientists to use the principles
               of evolution in their analyses and writing. 132  In other words, a scientist
               was officially excommunicated for denying the theory of evolution.
               The fact that the subject achieved prominence as the result of a suit
               brought by Nathaniel Abraham in 2007 definitely stems from people
               finding the courage to stand up to the Darwinist dictatorship.
                   Phillip Johnson relates the story that in 1981, the British Museum
               of Natural History celebrated its centennial with an exhibition on
               Darwin’s theory of evolution.

                   A sign at the entrance read: “Have you ever wondered why there are so
                   many different kinds of living things? One idea is that all the living things
                   we see today have evolved from a distant ancestor by a process of grad-
                   ual change. How could evolution have occurred? How could one species
                   change into another? The exhibition in this hall looks at one possible ex-
                   planation – the explanation of Charles Darwin.”
                   An adjacent sign read: “Another view is that God created all living
                   things perfect and unchanging.” An accompanying brochure admitted,

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