Page 85 - Death of the Darwinist Dajjal System
P. 85
Adnan Oktar (Harun Yahya)
conceal concrete scientific findings, stems from Darwinism not being a
science but rather a false religion that has emerged as a stratagem on
the part of the antichrist. Built on a lie, this theory tries to survive
through falsehoods. The concealment of the Cambrian fossils was just
one of the scientific deceptions perpetrated in the name of Darwinism.
7. The Claim That Archaeopteryx Is the Ancestor of Birds
Is a Deception
The fossil bird discovered in Germany in 1860 and given the name
Archaeopteryx harbored certain characteristics unlike those of today’s
birds. Darwinists used the teeth in its jaw, the claws on its wings and
its long tail as tools for speculation, and the bird was hastily compared
to reptiles and heralded, in the absence of any scientific foundation, as
a reptile-bird transitional form.
But this claim was a terrible deception.
Soon after Darwinists had mythologized Archaeopteryx as a false
transitional form, the fossil bones were examined in detail, and it
emerged that this life form was not in fact a “primitive bird” exhibiting
an imaginary passage from reptiles to birds, but that its skeleton and
feather structure were actually ideally suited to flight, and that the fea-
tures, unlike those of reptiles, were actually to be found in birds that
had lived in the past and even in some that were still alive today. The
pro-Darwinist journal Science openly stated this fact:
Archaeopteryx probably cannot tell us much about the early origins of
feathers and flight in true protobirds because Archaeopteryx was, in a
modern sense, a bird. 30
Archaeopteryx is a mosaic life form containing characteristics from
different species. Mosaic forms interest scientists with their complex
structures and are described as living things harboring features belong-
ing to various species. The deception that Darwinists perpetrated re-
garding Archaeopteryx stems from the fact that the fossil belongs to a