Page 89 - Death of the Darwinist Dajjal System
P. 89

Adnan Oktar (Harun Yahya)

             (Latimeria chalumnae), for years portrayed as a transitional form, in to-
             day’s waters. Prior to 1938, Darwinists had made countless claims
             about the fossil Coelacanth, interpreting its fins as “legs about to start
             walking” and a fossilized oil sac as “a primitive lung.” With all this
             speculation about the fossil, they suggested that they had discovered a
             missing link.

                  The capture of a living Coelacanth at such a time came as a terrible
             disappointment to Darwinists. This and more than 200 other living
             Coelacanths, the latest of which was caught in May 2007, totally discred-
             ited all the Darwinist conjecture about the fossils. It was realized that the
             Coelacanth was an exceedingly complex and highly developed bottom-
             dwelling fish, about 150 centimeters in length. In addition, the animals
             showed no sign of change over 450 million years. To put it another way,
             its complexity today is the same as it was 450 million years ago.
                  Following the scientific realization of these facts, the Coelacanth as-

             sumed its place as an example of a living fossil, and all the claims about
             it being a transitional form were withdrawn. Darwinists lost yet anoth-
             er fossil they had speculated about so much. Had this animal not been
             found in today’s seas, then, just as with Archaeopteryx, there would
             have been no end to the Darwinist speculation regarding it. It would
             still be depicted as the greatest representative of the passage from wa-
             ter to land, and there would be thousands of conjectures about it being
             the finest unquestionable transitional form. Furthermore, Darwinists

             would also be making attempts to utterly discredit those saying that
             the animal is not a transitional form, but rather a perfect marine organ-
             ism, just as we see happening currently with all the other alleged tran-
             sitional forms.

             The fact that the Coelacanth is a perfect bottom-feeding fish still alive today did
             away with all the Darwinist speculation on the subject.

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