Page 91 - Death of the Darwinist Dajjal System
P. 91

Adnan Oktar (Harun Yahya)

                  9. All the Fossil Skulls Depicted As Evidence for
                  Darwinism Are False

                  Since Darwinism is not founded upon any genuine scientific evi-
             dence or basis, it seeks to gather support by presenting false evidence.
             It is therefore enough for Darwinists to have materials on which to
             speculate in their possession. Darwinists take fossils of extinct life
             forms that they can speculate about, shape them in various ways and
             use them as tools for their ideology. The Coelacanth, which as it was
             supposedly extinct, was for years portrayed as the best known example
             of the imaginary transition from water to land, but a living specimen of
             which was subsequently caught in today’s waters, is the most impor-
             tant evidence of this fraud. Darwinists try to use the same tactic for oth-
             er life forms and for man. They categorize all the fossils they acquire on
             the basis of their appearance and attach the label of “transitional form”
             to whichever take their fancy. But all the fossils they describe as “tran-
             sitional forms” belong, like the Coelacanth, to perfect and flawless living
                  The invalidity of all the fossils heralded as transitional forms has
             subsequently been proved, and it has been scientifically established
                            that they all belong to complex, extinct life forms.

                              When it comes to the supposed evolution of man, the

                  Since Darwinists cannot produce any transitional fossils they
                  try to deceive people with fictitious illustrations instead.
                  But these pictures are all fraudulent.

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