Page 95 - Death of the Darwinist Dajjal System
P. 95

Adnan Oktar (Harun Yahya)

             ted that all the fossils depicted to date as evidence for so-called evolu-
             tion, in fact constituted no evidence for human evolution, and that
             Darwinists actually had no corroborative finds in the area at all:

                  This presents the public for the first time with the notion that there are no
                  actual fossils directly ancestral to man. [This is] What the creationists
                  have insisted on for years ... 36
                  The biologist Lyall Watson also says that Darwinists have not un-
             earthed a single fossil that might prove the supposed evolution of man:
                  Modern apes, for instance, seem to have sprung out of nowhere. They
                  have no yesterday, no fossil record. And the true origin of modern hu-
                  mans--of upright, naked, toolmaking, big-brained beings--is, if we are to

                  be honest with ourselves, an equally mysterious matter. 37
                  No matter how reluctant Lyall Watson may be to openly state the
             case, referring to the origin of man as “a mysterious matter,” the origins
             of man are actually abundantly clear: Allah created man like all other
             living things, and concrete scientific findings confirm this. In addition
             to all this, Darwinists are always confronted by the dating problem

             with every new fossil that is unearthed. They constantly have to “set
             back” the dates they have dreamed up for evolution and to alter their
             claims as they see how fossils refute evolution. For example, the fact
             that 200-million-year-old human footprints were found in one stratum
             alongside human bones in strata dating back to the Cretaceous Period
             (144 to 65 million years) shows that human beings go back at least 100 mil-
             lion years. 38  Given that evolutionists assume a period of 50,000 years
             since human beings first appeared, we are most definitely looking at a
             major discrepancy. New fossils reported in August 2007 showed that

             the life forms called Homo Erectus and Homo Habilis by Darwinists in
             fact lived at the same time. The dating problem is yet another factor
             that leaves Darwinists in a hopeless dilemma when it comes to the so-
             called evolution of man.

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