Page 96 - Death of the Darwinist Dajjal System
P. 96
Death of the Darwinist Dajjal System
Yet despite all these facts, Darwinists still continue to portray the
false fossils in question as evidence and to convert them, in their own
eyes, into part of the myth of human evolution. They still deceive peo-
ple and continue to use these fossils, the invalidity of which has been
scientifically proven, in scientific references and school text books. The
writer Hank Hanegraaff comments on this deceptive technique:
Speculation about Pithecanthropus Erectus, the ape man that walked
erect, is far and away the most famous 'ape-man' fiction still being circu-
lated as fact. While over time he has evolved into a new classification
called Homo Erectus, millions regard him as a friendly ancestor, not just a
fossil, and simply refer to him by the nickname Java Man.
It is generally known that Java Man was initially discovered by a
Dutchman named Eugene Dubois on the Dutch East Indian island of Java
in 1891. What is not so well known is the fact that Java Man consists of
nothing more than a skullcap, a femur, three teeth, and a great deal of
imagination. Even more disturbing is the fact that the femur was found
50 feet (15 meters) from the skullcap and a full year later… This trek,
commonly referred to as the Selenka Expedition, included nineteen evo-
lutionists bent on demonstrating that the evolutionary conjectures about
Java man were true. However, their 342 page scientific report, which, ac-
cording to [Sir Arthur] Keith [a famous evolutionist] 'commands our un-
stinted praise,' demonstrates beyond the peradventure of a doubt that
Java Man played no part in human evolution."
Despite all the evidence, it is truly amazing that Time magazine printed
“How Man Began,” an article that shamelessly treated Java Man as
though it were a true evolutionary ancestor.” 39
In this way, Darwinist publications become part of the Darwinist
deception. Darwinist books written by eminent professors and scien-
tists repeat these false scenarios, which are entirely based on deception,
rather than producing genuine scientific evidence. The reason why
skulls that have been removed from the scientific literature and whose