Page 27 - Prayer in the Qur'an
P. 27
worthy of Paradise.
For this reason, being hasty in receiving an answer to one's
prayer is not becoming to a believer. The sole responsibility of a
Muslim is to be Allah's servant and be pleased with what has been
ordained for him. In this sense, a true believer must perform his
prayer as a part of this responsibility.
One Does Not Pray Only for Worldly Blessings
While praying, should we ask for mundane blessings, or turn
solely to the life of the hereafter?
Allah considers both kinds of supplications good for sincere be-
lievers. No doubt, the life of this world is a short one that is doomed
to end. Allah gives each blessing to human beings so that they can
feel grateful to Him and draw nearer to Him. A blessing brings
Paradise to mind, and makes a believer remember Allah's names
and glorify Him. For these reasons, Allah recommends that believ-
ers pray both for this life and the next. Meanwhile, He warns them
against turning all their attention to the temporary lure of this life.
As the Qur'an says:
… There are some people who say, "Our Lord, give us good in
the world." They will have no share in the hereafter. And there
are others who say, "Our Lord, give us good in the world, and
good in the hereafter, and safeguard us from the punishment of
the Fire." They will have a good share from what they have
earned. Allah is swift at reckoning. (Surat al-Baqara: 200-202)
A person asks for things that concern his own world. His pur-
suits and interests in life determine the way he prays. In addition,
those devoted to Allah also reflect in their prayers their desire to ful-