Page 32 - Prayer in the Qur'an
P. 32


                           FOR PRAYER

             O O       ne who prays as it is described in the Qur'an, prays with
                       the acknowledgement of his or her status as Allah's ser-

                       vant. He feels profoundly his submissiveness before
             Allah's might and feels certain that Allah sees and hears him.
               According to the Qur'an, prayer cannot be confined to any par-
             ticular time and place. Because the wishes and needs of people
             never abate, their prayers never end. That is, prayer has no time lim-
               However the Qur'an mentions when are the best times to pray,
             such as the nighttime and the morning prayers,  when one distances
             himself from daily tasks in order to concentrate on prayer. One verse
             stresses the importance of the dawn prayer: "... those who seek for-
             giveness before dawn." (Surah Al Imran: 17) Other verses highlight
             how praying at nighttime offers the best time for reflection, reading
             the Qur'an and prayer:

               Certainly rising at night has a stronger effect and is more con-
               ducive to concentration. In the daytime much of your time is
               taken up by business matters. Remember the Name of your
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