Page 48 - Prayer in the Qur'an
P. 48
Surely many people are heedless of Our Signs." (Surah Yunus:
Believers must also pay heed to this distorted understanding of
prayer as related in the Qur'an. All believers who read the Qur'an
are held responsible for its commandments, and with these verses,
Allah warns believers and makes it clear that He expects His ser-
vants to include prayer in every aspect of their lives. This demon-
strates a striking difference between the believers' understanding of
prayer, and that of ignorant people. Believers are submissive to our
Lord, the One Who grants infinite blessings. They are aware that
their true friend and protector is Allah. For this reason, under all cir-
cumstances, they pray and ask for help only from Him. The people
of ignorance remember to pray only when they are in a dire need.
Otherwise, they ascribe partners to Allah and expect help from these
partners. They will surely receive a painful treatment in return for
this ignorance, both in this world and beyond.