Page 51 - Prayer in the Qur'an
P. 51
who put their hope in Allah and the Last Day and remember
Allah much. (Surat al-Ahzab: 21)
Prophets ask for help only from Allah. From the time they are as-
signed their mission, the prophets' one and only purpose becomes
fulfilling their duty and summoning their peoples to Allah's straight
path. Their aspirations surely matched their purpose, for which rea-
son we see the best examples of pure and sincere prayers in their
Examples of some of the prophets' prayers, which have been
recorded in the Qur'an, are described in the following pages.
The Prophet Nuh's (as) Prayers
In the Qur'an, Allah praises the Prophet Nuh's (as) patience
while he was summoning his people to Allah's religion. The Prophet
Nuh (as) carried out a resolute struggle against his people who ap-
proached him with enmity. His turning to Allah in prayer under all
circumstances provides an exemplary role model for believers. The
Prophet Nuh (as) described his situation to Allah and prayed as fol-
He called upon his Lord: "I am overwhelmed, so help me!"
(Surat al-Qamar: 10)
In another verse, the Prophet Nuh's (as) prayer is related as fol-
Nuh said, "My Lord! Do not leave a single one of the disbeliev-
ers on earth! If You leave any they will misguide Your servants
and spawn nothing but more dissolute disbelievers. My Lord!
forgive me and my parents and all who enter my house as be-
lievers, and all the men and women of the believers. But do not