Page 129 - Names of Allah
P. 129

                                A AL-MAWLA
                         The Protector, The Master
             No, Allah is your Protector. And He is the best of helpers.
             (Surah Al ‘Imran, 3:150)

             A believer knows that everyone and everything owes its exis-
         tence to Allah, the Master of the Kingdom, for He sustains all beings
         and can end their existence at any time He wills. For this reason,
         Allah is a believer’s sole friend and the only One Who can keep him
         or her far from sorrow or trouble. After all, our Lord’s help and sup-
         port is always with each believer. In return for this attitude, Allah
         sends down His serenity. (Surat at-Tawba, 9:26)
             Several factors account for this serenity, among them is the be-
         lievers’ awareness that Allah hears every prayer, knows every good
         deed performed to earn His good pleasure, and that He will reward
         all of them bountifully. Another source of this feeling of security is
         their awareness of Allah’s support with invisible armies and angels,
         as proclaimed in: “Everyone has a succession of angels in front of
         him and behind him, guarding him by Allah’s command...” (Surat
         ar-Ra‘d, 13:11) This aside, believers know that they will triumph in
         their struggle carried out in Allah’s way, are given the good news of
         Paradise, and that Allah does not place an unbearable burden upon
         their shoulders. Believing in destiny and that Allah directs all affairs,
         they put their trust only in Allah. In the Qur’an, Allah calls attention
         to this state of mind, as follows:
             Say: “Nothing can happen to us except what Allah has or-
             dained for us. He is Our Master. It is in Allah that the be-
             lievers should put their trust.” (Surat at-Tawba, 9:51)

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