Page 133 - Names of Allah
P. 133

                           A AL-MU`ADHDHIB

                                 The Punisher
             That Day, no one will punish as He punishes and no one will
             shackle as He shackles. (Surat al-Fajr, 89:25-26)
             Despite all of the surrounding evidence, those who have no faith
         in Allah and who insist upon disregarding His grandeur and power
         surely deserve a great punishment, for Allah created us, placed us on
         Earth, and provided us with whatever we need. However, despite all
         of these blessings, some people insist on denial and even hate believers
         and try to destroy their faith. No doubt, such people will be repaid
         both in this world and beyond.
             Allah directs some affairs in this world through His Messengers
         and sometimes punishes unbelievers in this world through the hands
         of His Messengers. Allah reveals this fact in the Qur’an, as follows:
             If the hypocrites and those with a sickness in their hearts and
             the rumor-mongers in Madina do not desist, We will set you
             upon them. Then they will only be your neighbors there for a
             very short time. They are an accursed people. Wherever they
             are found, they should be seized and mercilessly put to
             death. This is Allah’s pattern with those who passed away be-
             fore. You will not find any alteration in Allah’s pattern. (Surat
             al-Ahzab, 33:60-62)
             Their fearsome punishment in the Hereafter will continue to exist,
         unless Allah wills otherwise, for all eternity. Allah created various
         forms of psychological and physical punishments, for He knows each
         person’s most secret weaknesses. Thus, He is the One Who can give
         the most suitable punishment. According to the following verses:

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