Page 151 - Names of Allah
P. 151

             On the day We launch the Great Assault, We will certainly
             inflict Our retribution. (Surat ad-Dukhan, 44:16)
             This aside, many verses speak of Allah’s infinite compassion
         and the manifestations of His attributes of al-Rahman and al-Raheem.
         The punishments waiting for unbelievers in the Hereafter are the re-
         sult of their resolute unbelief. Allah reminds people of this fact and
         informs them that He does not wrong them, as follows:
             [Angels will say to unbelievers:] “That is for what you did.
             Allah does not wrong His servants.” (Surat al-Anfal, 8:51)
             Allah would not punish them while you were among them.
             Allah would not punish them as long as they sought for-
             giveness. (Surat al-Anfal, 8:33)
             These are Allah’s Signs, which We recite to you with truth.
             Allah desires no wrong for any being. (Surah Al ‘Imran,
             Our Lord, Who is Most Merciful, also relates that He intends to
         lead all of His servants to the right path and to perfect His blessings
         upon them, as follows:
             Allah desires to make things clear to you, to guide you to
             the correct practices of those before you, and to turn toward
             you. Allah is All-Knowing, All-Wise. (Surat an-Nisa’, 4:26)
             Allah does not want to make things difficult for you; rather,
             ... He wants to purify you and perfect His blessing upon
             you so that hopefully you will be thankful. (Surat al-
             Ma’ida, 5:6)

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