Page 156 - Names of Allah
P. 156

                                A AL-MUBAYYIN
                     The One Who Makes His Signs Clear
                 In this way Allah makes His Signs clear to you, so that
                 hopefully you will use your intellect. (Surat al-Baqara, 2:242)
                 Given that Allah has explained, through His Messengers and
            His revelation why we were created, what we have to accomplish,
            and what we will go through after death, we cannot claim ignorance
            of these facts. If He had not done so, we would exist in a state of
            helplessness, feebleness, and fear. But Allah, Who is compassionate
            and merciful toward His servants, answers all of our questions
            through His revelations. In this way, He brings people to life.
            Indeed, the calls, warnings, recommendations, and prohibitions re-
            vealed by Him, as well as the issues to which He draws people’s at-
            tention, are for our salvation and will enable us to give a joyful
            account in Allah’s presence on the Day of Judgment.
                 Almighty Allah, Who doesn't want any injustice for His ser-
            vants, gives a detailed account of how they can avoid eternal pun-
            ishment and all they need to know to serve Him. In addition, He
            gives them examples of earlier peoples so that they will not repeat
            their ancestors’ mistakes, and tells them about the Prophets so that
            they can find the right path. Indeed, people could never learn about
            such events and conversations on their own. For instance, no one
            witnessed Prophet Musa’s (as) conversation with Allah in the valley
            of Tuwa, and there is no record of it. But Allah lets us know some de-
            tails of this conversation. Thus, His words to Prophet Musa (as),
            even though they were spoken before no one else and were uttered
            centuries ago, are conveyed to everyone word by word.

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