Page 185 - Names of Allah
P. 185

                              A AL-MUGHNEE
                                 The Enricher
             That it is He Who enriches and Who satisfies. (Surat an-
             Najm, 53:48)
             Allah, the true Owner of all wealth, tests some people with
         wealth and others with poverty. In His capacity of al-Warith (the
         Inheritor), Allah is the sole inheritor of everything. When people die,
         they leave behind all of their possessions. As for those who take
         pride in their possessions and wealth and thus fail to remember
         Allah, the Qur’an relates the following:
             Do they imagine that, in the wealth and children We extend
             to them, We are hastening to them with good things? No in-
             deed, but they have no awareness! (Surat al-Mu’minun,
             Allah may reward whomever He wills with great wealth. The
         Qur’an calls attention to the great wealth granted to such
         Messengers as Prophet Ibrahim (as), Prophet Muhammad (saas),
         Prophet Dawud (as), and Prophet Yusuf (as). Prophet Sulayman (as),
         on the other hand, asked for unprecedented wealth, and Allah an-
         swered his prayer.
             One point deserves special mention here: Allah’s Messengers
         used their wealth to attain His good pleasure by doing good deeds.
         However, unbelievers take pride in their wealth and forget its real
             The Qur’an gives a detailed account of the wealth that a few
         people, who deserve to earn Allah’s good pleasure and thereby at-
         tain Paradise, will enjoy in the Hereafter. This glory is depicted in

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