Page 180 - Names of Allah
P. 180

                                 A AL-MUZAYYIN
                                     The Adorner
                 Know that the Messenger of Allah is among you. If he were
                 to obey you in many things, you would suffer for it.
                 However, Allah has given you the love of faith and has made
                 it pleasing to your hearts, and has made disbelief, deviance,
                 and disobedience hateful to you. People such as these are
                 rightly guided. (Surat al-Hujurat, 49:7)

                 Loving faith, deriving pleasure from material and spiritual
            tastes, as well as hating disbelief and seeing it as evil, seem to be nat-
            ural inclinations. However, they actually are blessings attained by
            Allah’s favor. Allah relates this metaphysical truth in the verse
            quoted above.
                 In order to show the value of this great blessing and gift to be-
            lievers, Allah creates the opposite situation for unbelievers. Failing
            to see the beauties engendered by faith, unbelievers derive pleasure
            from the gloomy and troublesome system of those who are far from
            religion. All of the evil and indecency found in the systems of unbe-
            lief have been made to seem good to them. This secret is divulged in
            the Qur’an, as follows:
                 Is someone on a clear path from his Lord like those whose
                 bad actions have been made to seem good to them and who
                 follow their own desires? (Surah Muhammad, 47:14)
                 Believers, who know Allah, notice His compassion for them,
            recognize that they exist only by His will, and that everything they
            like and take pleasure in come from Him. They attain the superior-
            ity of Allah’s love and faith. Believers do not need to please anyone

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