Page 178 - Names of Allah
P. 178

from His glory. He is the Most Compassionate of the compassionate,
            and He does not desire difficulty for His servants:
                 Allah desires to make things lighter for you. Man was cre-
                 ated weak. (Surat an-Nisa’, 4:28)
                 Allah knows what we can and cannot do, and thus does not de-
            sire any difficulty for us. This is also related in “Allah desires ease
            for you; He does not desire difficulty for you” (Surat al-Baqara,
            2:185). Even under the severest conditions, He makes our tasks easy
            and shows us a way out. Allah reminds His servants of this bless-
            ings in the following verses:
                 Did We not expand your breast for you and remove your
                 load from you, which weighed down your back? Did We
                 not raise your renown high? For truly with hardship comes
                 ease; truly with hardship comes ease. (Surat al-Inshirah,
                 Allah makes the ways of attaining His good pleasure and
            mercy easy for believers. On the other hand, He informs us that He
            will pave the way to difficulty for unbelievers:
                 But as for him who is stingy, self-satisfied, and denies the
                 Good, We will pave his way to difficulty. (Surat al-Layl,

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