Page 175 - Names of Allah
P. 175

                             A AL-MUTAHHIR
            The Cleanser; He Who Cleanses from Idolatry
                              and Spiritual Evil
             And when He overcame you with sleep, making you feel se-
             cure, and sent down water from heaven to purify you and
             remove the taint of Satan from you, and to fortify your
             hearts and make your feet firm. (Surat al-Anfal, 8:11)

             Human beings make mistakes throughout their lives. No
         doubt, believers make every effort to avoid such mistakes and strive
         not to commit them by living according to Allah’s religion. This fact
         is related in the Qur’an, as follows:
             If Allah were to take mankind to task for what they have
             earned, He would not leave a single creature crawling on it;
             but He defers them until a specified time. Then, when their
             time comes, Allah sees His servants! (Surah Fatir, 35:45)
             In compliance with this divine command, sincere believers are
         not expected to be infallible or sinless; rather, they are expected to
         seek Allah’s pleasure, abide by the limits that He has established for
         them, turn to Allah in repentance, and take refuge in His mercy. As
         the Qur’an informs, Allah will purify them, for Allah “desires to re-
         move all impurity from His servants.” This is related in the follow-
         ing verse:
             ... Allah desires to remove all impurity from you, O People
             of the House, and to purify you completely. (Surat al-
             Ahzab, 33:33)
             Although a person may have committed great sins, rebelled
         against Allah, and lived by principles that are utterly contrary to

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