Page 173 - Names of Allah
P. 173

                              A AL-MUSTI`AN

                    One Who Is Called upon for Help
             Say: "Lord, judge with truth! Our Lord is the All-Merciful,
             the One Whose help is sought in the face of what you de-
             scribe." (Surat al-Anbiya', 21:112)
             People need to feel Allah’s existence and power both in times of
         difficulty and of ease. In other words, during every moment of their
         lives, all people are in need of prayer, for unless Allah wills, they
         cannot attain anything. Given that we are created with many inher-
         ent weaknesses, people can only live by means of Allah’s mercy and
             On the other hand, Allah is the sole Deity in Whom one can take
         refuge. People are in need of Him, and therefore seek help and guid-
         ance only from Him. Without His permission, no one can help him-
         self or someone else. Allah has the strength to make anything at any
         time He wills. When He decides on something, He just says to it
         “Be!” and it is.
             He allocates provisions among His servants, pours down rain
         from the heavens, and grants blessings. He heals people when they
         are sick, makes them laugh or shed tears, exalts whoever He wills,
         and directs all affairs from heaven to Earth. No one can protect
         themselves if our Lord withholds His blessings or sends a disaster,
         and no one can deflect a blessing if He wills to bestow it. Thus, the
         universe and all of its inhabitants, whether living or non-living,
         takes refuge in Him and asks for help only from Him. The Qur’an re-
         veals these facts, as follows:
             Do they make things into partner-deities who cannot create

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