Page 198 - Names of Allah
P. 198

this, however, Allah manifests His graciousness upon all people, re-
            gardless of whether they are unbelievers, hypocrites, or polytheists.
            For example, He provides all people with air to breathe, water to
            drink, houses to live in, children, health, beauty, and many other
            blessings. This manifests His name “the Most Gracious.”
                 Prophet Muhammad (saas) says in a hadith:
                 “Allah is more merciful to His servants than a mother is to her
                 child.” (Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim)
                 In this life, Allah also grants blessings so that people may turn
            to religion, think, use their intellect, and thank Him. Those who turn
            away have only a short time, as short as the blink of an eye, to take
            advantage of these blessings. In the Hereafter, however, all blessings
            belong to believers who strove to draw near to Allah and earn His
            good pleasure while in this arena of testing. They give thanks to our
            Lord, for Allah is the Most Gracious and gives the good news of
            Paradise only to His faithful servants.
                 Gardens of Eden, which the All-Merciful has promised to
                 His servants in the Unseen. His promise is always kept.
                 (Surah Maryam, 19:61)
                 The All-Compassionate, the Most Merciful. (Surat al-
                 Fatiha, 1:2)
                 Say: “Call upon Allah or call on the All-Merciful;
                 whichever you call upon, the Most Beautiful Names are
                 His.” Do not be too loud in your prayer or too quiet in it,
                 but try to find a way between the two. (Surat al-Isra’,
                 On that day they will follow the summoner, who has no
                 crookedness in him at all. Voices will be humbled before
                 the All-Merciful, and nothing but a whisper will be heard.
                 (Surah Ta Ha, 20:108)

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