Page 202 - Names of Allah
P. 202
The Gentle
In this way, We have made you a middlemost community so
that you may act as witnesses against mankind, and the
Messenger [may act] as a witness against you. We only ap-
pointed the direction you used to face in order to distinguish
those who follow the Messenger from those who turn back
on their heels. Though in truth it is a very hard thing—except
for those Allah has guided. Allah would never let your faith
go to waste. Allah is All-Gentle, Most Merciful to mankind.
(Surat al-Baqara, 2:143)
All beings owe their existence to Allah’s superior creation and
the ensuing complex structures. This is one sign of our Lord’s mercy
and compassion, since no living being is responsible for its own sur-
vival but must submit to Allah’s Will. Allah has already given every
being whatever it needs. For instance, all living beings have various
means of self-defense, such as a startling appearance, poisonous or
flammable gasses, high levels of alertness and the ability to outrun
their enemies, strong shields, camouflage, or the ability to play
Living beings did not acquire these features coincidentally or
by themselves. Allah, Who creates everything flawlessly and with
great knowledge, reveals His compassion by endowing them with
attributes that enable them to lead their lives comfortably.
Aside from these attributes, one notices that whatever has been
created to serve humanity is also superior. Indeed, people who pon-
der over the material and spiritual attributes they enjoy readily no-