Page 231 - Names of Allah
P. 231

                               A AL-WARITH
                                 The Inheritor
             How many cities We have destroyed that lived in insolent in-
             gratitude! There are their houses, never again inhabited after
             them, except a little. It was We Who were their Heir. (Surat
             al-Qasas, 28:58)

             Throughout their lives, such people strive to accumulate more
         wealth. Some people are so committed to this end that this goal
         takes over their lives and leaves them no time to wonder why they
         exist. However, there is one fact these people disregard:
             Say: “Shall I inform you of the greatest losers in their ac-
             tions? People whose efforts in the life of the world are mis-
             guided while they suppose that they are doing good.”
             (Surat al-Kahf, 18:103-04)
             Indeed, until their last breath, they strive for a vain purpose. Yet
         one day, at a totally unexpected moment, they will face the angels of
         death. Wrapped in a simple shroud, these people, who were widely
         admired because of their wealth, will be buried in the ground and
         thus leave everything behind. All they can take with them into their
         graves is their naked body, their fear, and their closeness to Allah.
             Allah is the sole Inheritor of Earth, and His sincere servants are
         made wealthy by His favor. As we mentioned above, all wealth, sta-
         tus, and respect enjoyed in this world is temporary. Allah, Who
         grants all of these blessings, takes each person’s soul whenever He
         wills. The Qur’an reveals how each person will be brought before
         Allah’s presence:
             We give life and cause to die, and We are the Inheritor.

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