Page 235 - Names of Allah
P. 235

                                A AL-WADUD
                                  The Loving
             He is the Ever-Forgiving, the All-Loving. (Surat al-Buruj,

             Those people who understand that Allah created humanity to
         serve Him remain sincere to Him until they die, while others deny
         His existence. Allah is very close to His loyal servants. He hears and
         answers their prayers, is with them whenever they encounter a diffi-
         culty, and supports them at every stage of their lives.
             One of the greatest blessings that people may attain in this life is
         Allah’s love and friendship. Allah’s beloved servants lead honorable
         and distinguished lives, and their moral perfection always earns
         great admiration and appreciation. He admits His beloved servants
         into His mercy and lets them enter Paradise. Prophets and sincere
         believers are very valuable people who have earned Allah’s love,
         love Allah, and lead their lives only to earn His good pleasure.
             Ask your Lord for forgiveness, and then repent to Him. My
             Lord is Most Merciful, Most Loving. (Surah Hud, 11:90)

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