Page 239 - Names of Allah
P. 239

                                A AL-WALEE
                                 The Protector
             Allah is the Protector of those who believe. He brings them
             out of the darkness and into the light. But those who do not
             believe have false deities as protectors. They take them from
             the light into the darkness. Those are the Companions of the
             Fire remaining in it timelessly, forever. (Surat al-Baqara,

             Both in this world and in the next, people have only one real
         friend. This friend never abandons them, is next to them, and helps
         them in the face of every difficulty. From the day they are born until
         they die, He is always with them and protects them against their en-
         emies. He is more reliable than anyone else, and always rewards
         them without expecting anything in return. This friend, of course, is
         our Lord, the believers’ most intimate friend, Who purifies all those
         who place their trust in Him and promise them a distinguished life
         here and eternal wealth in the Hereafter.
             Throughout their lives, people seek someone more powerful or
         wealthier upon whom they can rely in all circumstances. Yet while
         seeking such people, they totally forget our All-Mighty Lord, Who
         created them and meets all of their needs. They take Satan, who only
         leads them toward sin and hinders them from attaining Paradise, as
         their friend. This is the beginning of a gloomy world.
             People who have faith and sincere faith in Allah, on the other
         hand, enjoy a good and honorable life. In this life, there is no room
         for failure, because Allah grants victory to believers as long as they
         remain committed to their religion and their words. Meanwhile, the

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