Page 85 - Names of Allah
P. 85

                               A AL-HASEEB
                                The Reckoner
             Those who conveyed Allah’s Message and had fear [and
             awareness] of Him, fearing no one except Allah. Allah suf-
             fices as a Reckoner. (Surat al-Ahzab, 33:39)

             Allah creates us and forms each one of us in our mother’s womb
         with such great care that all of us are unique beings. While we are
         unconscious and still gestating, Allah protects and feeds us. Those
         nine months spent in the mother’s womb is utterly a dark period, for
         no one knows all of the miraculous events that occur during that
         time. Only Allah knows these events, for He knows each person
         from the moment he or she was a single cell until the moment of his
         or her death.
             Allah witnesses and remembers each person’s deeds and
         thoughts, for He controls both the inner thoughts and the outer
         deeds. In brief, He controls everyone’s spirit.
             People forget their acts and words, and their experiences be-
         come dim memories. For example, something that happened a
         decade ago often seems meaningless. It is as if a major part of our
         past experiences have been deleted. But on the Day of Judgment,
         Allah will cause us to confront all of our good and evil deeds. Thus,
         we need to remember that He is with us all the time. Allah informs
         us about His name the Reckoner in the following verses:
             Then they are turned to Allah, their Master, the Real.
             Jurisdiction belongs to Him alone and He is the Swiftest of
             Reckoners. (Surat al-An'am, 6:62)
             Keep a close check on orphans until they reach a marriage-

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