Page 89 - Names of Allah
P. 89

                               A AL-QABIDH
                         The Seizer, The Restricter
             Is there anyone who will make Allah a generous loan so that
             He can multiply it for him many times over? Allah both re-
             stricts and expands. And you will be returned to Him. (Surat
             al-Baqara, 2:245)

             Allah, the sole Owner of everything, created all beings and fur-
         nished Earth with blessings that will meet their needs. All forms of
         wealth actually belong to Him, for He is its sole owner. In this world,
         Allah does not grant wealth to everyone. Yet, both the well-off and
         the poor need to remember that Allah grants and owns everything.
             Allah tests those people to whom He grants wealth by how
         they use this blessing, and expects them to be thankful. Meanwhile,
         He restricts the wealth of others as a test of their gratefulness to
         Him. Consequently, whatever people lack or possess are not gains
         for them; rather, they are a test from Allah to see whether they want
         the life of this world or the next.
             So fear [and be aware] of Allah, as much as you are able to.
             Listen, obey, and spend for your own benefit. It is the peo-
             ple who are safe-guarded from the avarice of their own
             selves who are successful. If you make a generous loan to
             Allah, He will multiply it for you and forgive you… (Surat
             at-Taghabun, 64:16-17)
             Allah also grants many spiritual blessings in this worldly life.
         When He wills, He may test people through the imperfections re-
         lated to these blessings by creating various tests. On the other hand,
         due to their insistence upon unbelief, Allah may repay unbelievers

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