Page 99 - Names of Allah
P. 99

                                  A AL-KAFI
                             The Sufficient One
             Is Allah not sufficient for His servant? Yet they try to scare
             you with others apart from Him. If Allah misguides some-
             one, he has no guide. (Surat az-Zumar, 39:36)

             Those who do not have a firm belief in Allah are afraid of many
         things, such as other people and natural disasters. Others are obsessed
         with losing their possessions or their loved ones. However, Allah ad-
         dresses those who have firm belief in Him as follows:
             The Lord of the heavens and Earth and everything in be-
             tween them, if you are people with certainty. There is no
             deity but Him—He gives life and causes to die—your Lord
             and the Lord of your forefathers, the previous peoples.
             (Surat ad-Dukhan, 44:7-8)
             As Allah informs us, He is the One God. Believers are well aware
         that nothing can harm or help them without Allah’s permission. In the
         face of hardship, they turn to Allah out of their awareness that only He
         will help and answer their prayers. They do so because they know that
         He is the Almighty and that all other beings are powerless, unless He
         wills otherwise.
             Thus, for believers only Allah can answer their calls for help and
         guidance. This means that they have no need to fear any other being or
         person. About this issue, the latter part of the verse above, “Is Allah
         not sufficient for His servant?” reads as follows:
             … and if Allah guides someone, he cannot be misguided. Is
             Allah not Almighty, Exactor of Revenge? ... If you ask them:
             “Who created the heavens and Earth?” they will say:

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